Episode 187 – Pumped

Laurie and Mark review the Scottish Cup final defeat to Rangers, in addition to discussing what next season could have in store for Hearts.

Music: Hard Sell Hotel by Shane Ivers – www.silvermansound.com

One Reply to “Episode 187 – Pumped”

  1. Alan Wyllie

    As well as listening to your podcast, I listen to the Sacked in the Morning effort with Craig Levein on BBC. He’s surprisingly likeable and self-deprecating and my opinion of him has changed somewhat since the arrogance of his last stint at Tynecastle. What caught my ear this week was his mention that Gary Mackay and him hated each other from the moment they met, and even today still do. I thought it would therefore be prudent to ask Mr McGowan if there was ever anyone in the Hearts dressing room, or elsewhere that he simply could not stand to be near? If so, was it just him that didn’t like him or was it pretty much everybody? Cheers.

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