Episode 77 – It All Stinks

Laurie and Mark discuss the SPFL voting debacle and the potential for league reconstruction in Scottish football.

Music courtesy of The 10:04s.

2 Replies to “Episode 77 – It All Stinks”

  1. Ian Wight

    I listen to all your brilliant podcasts & am a true Jambo even if I’m holding off renewing my Season ticket until things are clearer. I fear for the future but hope we survive this fiasco. Personally, I’m unsure about reconstruction as I believe the SPFL has been handing out sweeteners. The SPFL needs proper independent investigation & replacing because the blazers hold back the nation but are ingrained. Keep up the good work on behalf of Jambos everywhere. Fitbaw needs its fans even if Scotland’s are treated with contempt! Stay safe from Covid19 but always know we’re thinking of you. HHGH. Cheers, Ian Wight

    • Admin

      Thanks Ian. Yes a worrying time for all, I’m sure many Hearts fans feel the same as you do as well.

      It would be nice to get some more answer from the SPFL in due course, but I wouldn’t hold my breath.

      Stay safe!


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