Survey Results

A few weeks back I posted a survey on our website and the response we received has been phenomenal. I really can’t thank everyone enough for taking the time to participate and I can only apologise that it’s taken me a while to get through all of the feedback. I have now managed to get through each one and the results and comments have been reviewed by both Mark and myself. There are so many positive responses, in addition to very helpful constructive criticism, which will allow us to hopefully maintain the parts of the show that are popular and also to improve upon areas that could be worked on.

I won’t go into the individual comments that we received, although you can rest assured that both Mark and I have read through them ourselves, and I also won’t summarise the results of every single question we posted. However, I thought it would be useful to post some of the main findings of the survey – as per the below.

Do you enjoy the Scarves Around the Funnel Podcast?

YES – 98%

NO – 2%

How often do you listen to the podcast?




NEVER – 1%


Would you like the podcast to involve some guests?

YES – 84%

NO – 16%

How long do you think the podcast should be?

1 HOUR – 77%

45 MINS – 19%

30 MINS – 4%

How frequently would you like the podcast to be aired?

WEEKLY – 93%


What’s your favourite thing(s) about the podcast? (TOP 3)

It provides some much-needed humour for Jambos – 82%

It has some genuinely good insight – 72%

The match reviews – 70%

Would you like more interaction with listeners, similar to the homework that is set each week, or would you prefer more time spent on discussions between Donkey and Dunsire?

YES – 70%

NO – 25%

Didn’t answer – 5%

Do you like the inclusion of the match commentary from Hearts most recent game?

YES – 89%

NO – 11%

Would you be interested in regular competitions with some form of prizes on offer?

YES – 70%

NO – 28%

Didn’t answer – 2%

Would you be interested in a weekly quickfire quiz put to Donkey, to test his Hearts knowledge?

YES – 66%

NO – 30%

Didn’t answer – 4%

Based on these results we’ll be looking to keep the show weekly and to a duration of around an hour long. We are also going to explore ways in which we can incorporate more than just me and Mark speaking, however because we record the show remotely, via Skype, it’s not a simple case of just getting guests to participate. However, we will hopefully be able to add some contributions from others in some form or another. It’s also clear that our match reviews are quite popular, as well as the humour and insight, so we’ll look to ensure that we always give the most recent Hearts game enough attention during the show. There were some comments about the volume being a little low as well, which I’ve taken into account and will try some adjustments in the levels during the editing and exporting process.

Again, thanks to everyone who submitted a survey response and of course thank you for tuning in every week and putting up with our nonsense and tangents!


4 Replies to “Survey Results”

  1. Gary

    The nonsense and tangents is one of the podcast features I look forward to. It still carries more logic than Malaury Martin carried a ball, eh?

  2. Rob Binning

    You have a great show. Remote Hearts fans need to hear what the regular attenders at Tynie think. Enjoy the banter and the genuine knowledge. My son in Berlin survives on your podcast. He wears the Hearts top around the city and had the pleasure of meeting a Hibbee and his wife. I’m in Birmingham and listen to every podcast, keep it up.

    • Admin

      Hi Rob, thanks for the positive feedback and I’m pleased that your son enjoys the show. I visited Berlin last year, such a vibrant city – I bet he loves it there!

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